Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This mom is para 5 and gravid 4. One csec last pregnancy for a face presentation. I saw her in the office yesterday for a routine prenatal. Everything looked good. During the night she call with ruptured membranes and no labor (PROM). She walked all day and came to the Birth Inn this afternoon with a few contractions. Baby has been active I went over hygiene and fluid intake. She is GBS negative (group b strept) ptl. Heart rate good no signs of infection. We decided to let her have a good night sleep and evaluate in the am. Maybe she will kick in during the night. That would be great. I thick we are in a season of testing which comes with midwifery. We have had a very good year with non complicated births but the of seasons of birth do change. Now we are in the challenging mode. Thats ok it keeps us dependant on the Lord.
I'll let you know how the birth goes.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm waiting on a mom who will be 10 days late tomorrow....You would think that summer babies would come quicker..after all, being pregnant in summer is never exactly comfortable.
    I'll pray Mrs. AA gets into active labor.Please pray Mrs. C goes into labor soon..having a non-stress test tomorrow, and possible induction on Friday depending on results:()
